Dear reader,
As the global economy continues to shift, consumers’ habits do too. How much, how often and how people spend their money will play out in far different ways over the next 12 months (and beyond) than we’ve ever seen.
This poses challenges for retailers around the world. But it’s also the moment to seize big opportunities.
The Square Future of Retail report paints a picture of this changing landscape and how retailers are adapting the overall shopping experience. Whether that’s breaking traditional retail norms, offering a variety of ways to check out beyond a traditional cash wrap, or getting creative on how to keep consumers coming back despite tighter wallets, retailers are paving the way for the future – and sharing their know-how.
This year’s report is filled with in-depth insights meant to help you set your foundation for the future. Keep them handy throughout the year. Plan with them. And this time next year, when our 2026 Future of Retail report launches, you can look back on your successes and keep your finger on the pulse of what’s to come.
— Matthew Deiters, Square product lead, Retail